Gathering Requirements – what to ask

Gathering Requirements
Some proponents of Agile software development argue these days that Business Requirements documents are outdated and obsolete. This is not quite true. It is more a case of understanding what format, or process is most relevant for your project to document your requirements in, and then applying it accordingly.  In most cases, especially where a business is relying on outside fu...
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Some groundwork before you begin

To adequately determine the requirements and scope of a project, it's not enough just to sit down with the client and ask a few questions. There's a lot of groundwork that needs to be done before even one line of code or an image is created. In our previous article about Gathering Requirements, we walked through a checklist of questions that needs answers. Depending on the size...
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Define, Discover, Design, Deliver

Define: Before coming up with a solution, first we need to determine what the problem is. Discover: We must then establish what factors will determine what ‘success’ looks like at the end of the project. From there we start to plan. This is the longest part of any project, taking anywhere up to 80% of the time, and will include interviewing the key stakeholders, determinin...
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Successful Requirements Gathering

For an increased likelihood of success for any project it's important to create a clear, concise and agreed set of customer requirements that allow us to provide exactly what our customer is looking for, by ensuring that we; Get a clear understanding of what the customer wants. Don't assume - ask them. Avoid discussing the technology that should be used or tryin...
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